This year has not come with out its struggles for many. We can always look at the harsh realities that Covid19 has caused but all this time at home has given us time to reflect on what we have, and appreciate the simple things life has to offer. Seeing family and friends, a friendly chat with a neighbour from across the lawn, or a pleasant hello from the store assistant, has all come that more important.

You may have noticed that this year is very much about supporting each other. We wanted to do our part and as we all have been hearing ‘support local’ there was one charity that stood out for us.

‘BARSS’ Bray Area Rough Sleepers Support is a voluntary group formed in November 2015. The group has a simple aim; to provide some comfort and support for rough sleepers in the Bray area. Their Action Plan is simple; to provide hot drinks and light snacks to anyone sleeping rough. The group comprises of a small team of caring people who are willing to give their time and energy to help alleviate the plight of rough sleepers in Bray.

We heard about BARSS through one of our carers who helps out on the night time runs. The charity runs mainly off donations and peoples free time.

“BARSS go out every night at the same time around Bray. There are designated stops that clients meet us at. They are given a hot drink or soup. noodles, sambos, crisps, bars and a can of fizz. We also give them hats, gloves and sleeping bags when we have them. There are about 20 service users around the Bray area. BARSS is going over five years and rely on donations. We go out in one car, three of us every night. There are around 30 volunteers, so one person does one night a week. We offer advice to new clients to what services are available to them”

Bray Home Care carers and office workers have all rustled together to donate food and drinks to this worthy cause this Christmas.

If you would like to give a donation you can contact BARSS through their social media –

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

The Bray Home Care Team